Gene report |
Gene symbol |
br |
Gene full name |
unequal wings |
Flybase link |
FBgn0000210 |
Other names (Synonyms) |
FBgn0001373 FBgn0001374 FBgn0001375 FBgn0001644 FBgn0001684 FBgn0002964 FBgn0003222 FBgn0005389 FBgn0005581 FBgn0010011 FBgn0026711 FBgn0027219 FBgn0027234 FBgn0028290 FBgn0028364 FBgn0029583 FBgn0029585 FBgn0029586 FBgn0000801 ecdysone-sensitivity reduced bristles on palps lethal(1)2Bab lethal(1)2Bd broad-complex lethal(1)non-pupariating-1 lethal(1)discs normal overlapping-complementation-complex Broad Complex Broad complex lethal(1)2Bc Broad-complex unequal wings non-pupariating non-pupariating-1 Broad-Complex reduced palps broad complex Broad CG11491 CG11511 CG11514 CG11491 2B5 2Bc A18 Br BR br-C Br-C BR-c BR-C BR-C Z1 Br-C Z2 Br-C-Z3 br-Z1 br-Z3 Br-Z4 BrC BRC BrC-Z1 BRC-Z1 BRC-Z2 BRC-Z3 BRC-Z4 BrZ3 BR_C de12 ecs EG:123F11.1 EG:17A9.1 EG:25D2.1 l(1)2Ba l(1)2Bab l(1)2Bad l(1)2Bb l(1)2Bc l(1)2Bd l(1)d norm-12 l(1)d.norm.1 l(1)dn1 l(1)ESHS5 l(1)G0018 l(1)G0042 l(1)G0284 l(1)G0284a l(1)G0318 l(1)G0401 l(1)n34 l(1)npr-1 l(1)npr1 l(1)pp-1 l(1)pp-2 l(1)pp1 l(1)PP1 l(1)pp2 l(1)ts132 l(1)ts144 l(1)ts358 l(1)ts376 npr npr-1 npr1 nprl nrp nrp1 o.c.c. PP1 PP2 rbp rdp rds uq Z1 Z2 Z3 Z4 |
Previous BDGP insitu names |
br CG11491 FBgn0000210 |
Expression by organ system
Mouse over the colored boxes to see details.
Stage 1-3 | |
Stage 4-6 | |
Stage 7-8 | |
Stage 9-10 | |
Stage 11-12 | |
Stage 13-16 | |
Experiment results
If you want to search via the image similarly search, click on the search icon (
) under the image
LP10481 Experiment Report |
Probe (EST or PCR) |
LP10481 |
Stage |
Image |
Annotations |
Total Images |
27 |
stage1-3 |
stage4-6 |
stage7-8 |
stage9-10 |
stage11-12 |
stage13-16 |
- central nervous sys
- vent nerve cord
- brain
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LP12157 Experiment Report |
Probe (EST or PCR) |
LP12157 |
Stage |
Image |
Annotations |
Total Images |
15 |
stage1-3 |
stage4-6 |
stage7-8 |
- list_7-8:no staining
- no staining
stage9-10 |
stage11-12 |
stage13-16 |
- central nervous sys
- brain
- vent nerve cord
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LP12157 Experiment Report |
Probe (EST or PCR) |
LP12157 |
Stage |
Image |
Annotations |
Total Images |
9 |
stage1-3 |
stage4-6 |
stage7-8 |
stage9-10 |
stage11-12 |
stage13-16 |
- midgut
- vent nerve cord
- midgut interstitial cell
- brain
- cuprophilic cell
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RE02607 Experiment Report |
Probe (EST or PCR) |
RE02607 |
Stage |
Image |
Annotations |
Total Images |
36 |
stage1-3 |
stage4-6 |
- subset
- visual AISN
- mesoderm AISN
- foregut AISN
- mesectoderm AISN
- procephalic ectoderm AISN
- hindgut AISN
- vent ectoderm AISN
- ectoderm AISN
- dors ectoderm AISN
stage7-8 |
- vent nerve cord A
- hindgut A
- procephalic ectoderm A
- vent ectoderm PR
- dors ectoderm PR
- ant endoderm A
- foregut A
- visual A
stage9-10 |
- vent ectoderm PR
- vent nerve cord PR P3
- visual PR
- procephalic ectoderm PR
- dors ectoderm PR
- vent ectoderm PR
- foregut PR
- inclusive hindgut PR
stage11-12 |
- foregut PR
- hindgut proper PR
- brain PR
- cardiac mesoderm PR
- dors epidermis PR
- proventriculus PR
- visceral muscle PR
- optic lobe PR
- vent epidermis PR
- clypeo-labral PR
stage13-16 |
- visceral muscle
- sensory sys head
- hindgut
- hypopharynx
- dors epidermis
- epipharynx
- proventriculus
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MIP22851 Experiment Report |
Probe (EST or PCR) |
MIP22851 |
Stage |
Image |
Annotations |
Total Images |
21 |
stage1-3 |
stage4-6 |
stage7-8 |
stage9-10 |
stage11-12 |
- brain PR
- vent nerve cord PR
stage13-16 |
- brain
- central nervous sys
- vent nerve cord
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